SDS Testing Center

Ornate door

The Student Disability Services (SDS) Testing Center administers exams for faculty whose students have been approved for testing accommodations on their 504 letter. 

To use the Testing Center accommodations, request your 504 letter at the beginning of the semester and share it with your professors.

Please note the SDS Testing Center Hours have changed. 

Fall 2024 hours will be:

Monday - Thursday: 10 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Friday: 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.

Student Information

Student should follow these steps to request to take an exam in the SDS Testing Center:

  1. Contact your faculty before each exam regarding your intent to use the SDS Testing Center.
  2. Reserve your seat on our Calendly page at least two business days before your exam. 

If you have trouble accessing Calendly to set up an appointment, please contact the SDS front desk. All exams and quizzes should be taken on the same day and time as the rest of the class. Any exam taken on a different date/time must be approved by the faculty member. On the day of the exam, arrive to the SDS Testing Center (Moody Hall 102) promptly to ensure you receive your full testing time. 

For further information, please view our Student FAQs below. 

Faculty Information

Faculty will receive confirmation that your student has scheduled a testing reservation two days before the exam. We rely on faculty to confirm each student’s requested testing time and materials allowed for the exam. Once you have confirmed that the request is correct and no changes need to be made, the exam can be delivered to the SDS Testing Center in one of the following ways:

  • Upload the exam using this form.
  • Email the exam and the following information to
    • Date/time of in-class exam
    • Standard time allotted for exam
    • Additional materials allowed for the exam (calculator, notes, books, etc.) 

For detailed information about our policies and procedures, please view our SDS Testing Center Guide for Faculty

How do I reschedule or cancel an exam that I’ve already signed up for?

Reschedule or cancel your reservation through the email you received from Calendly when you set up your appointment, or email The SDS Testing Center will make every attempt to accommodate your request to reschedule, but this may be dependent upon space in the Testing Center, hours of operation, or faculty approval. 

What are my responsibilities on the day of the exam?

Please arrive at the Testing Center on time and with all of your own materials (scantron, calculator, etc.). The Testing Center will only provide scratch paper, which must be turned in with your exam. 

All electronic devices including cell phones and smartwatches must be silenced and stored with your belongings outside the Testing Center. Your professor will be notified if you bring an electronic device with you into the Testing Center. 

If you cannot take the exam at your scheduled time (illness, course withdrawal, etc.) or you decide to take it in class, you are responsible for cancelling your exam with the Testing Center before your exam starts. 

Can I leave the Testing Center during my exam?

Once a student has started an exam in the SDS Testing Center, they are not permitted to leave unless preapproved to use the restroom based on disability. Students who have this accommodation will be escorted by Testing Center staff.  

If I arrive late to my exam, will I still get my full testing time?

If you are late to your exam, SDS will make every effort to seat you on a case-by-case basis. The most common factors considered are:

  • Seat availability
  • Time of day
  • Faculty availability/approval

What is the Testing Center's policy about cheating?

Students are expected to abide by the following:

If a student is suspected of violating either of these policies:

  • The Testing Coordinator will stop the student’s exam, speak with the student(s) involved and determine if a violation has occurred. 
  • The student(s) will be notified of the initial decision and provided options regarding their exam. 
  • It is Testing Center policy to consult with faculty and the student’s disability counselor regarding issues of academic integrity.