



拥有会计信息技术学位, 你将为进入一个快速发展的行业做好准备. The 150-hour program awards both a Bachelor of Business Administration in Accounting and a Bachelor of Arts in Computer Information Technology. 

每个行业都需要专业会计师, and the growth of technology has made programming and data analysis skills more important than ever. 当你获得会计信息技术学位时, 你将准备好在一个有着坚实未来的领域中开始奔跑.

在这个双学位项目中, you’ll learn accounting skills and business principles — along with database theory and applications, 计算机科学概念, 以及网络编程. 你会发展解决问题的能力, critical thinking and ethical reasoning skills you’ll need to succeed in the global economy.

为什么要在圣. 爱德华的?

你是否对成为一名金融分析师感兴趣, IT顾问, 专门研究网络犯罪的系统分析师或欺诈审查员, 有一件事是肯定的:你的优势St. 爱德华的教育将为你的成功做好准备. You’ll find opportunities in and outside the classroom to learn, give back and achieve your goals. 你的导师会支持你前进的每一步. 


Learn in small classes taught by Accounting and Computer Science professors who have years of real-world experience. 他们会了解你的, 帮助你确定并专注于你的目标, 并在你大学期间和毕业后提供指导和见解.


Experiential-based courses and internships immerse you in the professional world. Our students have interned — and then been hired — at Big Four accounting firms, 被美国国税局和联邦调查局招募, 并成为注册会计师和注册欺诈审查员.


与对会计有共同兴趣的同学联系. 参加活动并会见演讲嘉宾. You’ll hear from representatives of accounting firms about careers and hiring expectations, 他们工作生活的来龙去脉, 和注册会计师考试.



Austin is one of the fast-growing technology and entrepreneurship hubs in the U.S.这里有近100家财富500强企业. 我们在奥斯汀的位置, partnerships and connections allow you to immerse yourself in a dynamic business environment that offers excellent internship and job opportunities.


会计资讯科技 majors go on to a variety of careers from St. 爱德华的. 这里有一个例子.

  • 毕马威(KPMG) IT顾问助理
  • 嘉信理财高级内部审计IT
  • 德勤顾问
  • AMD内部审计经理



The 会计资讯科技 degree program requires 97 hours of major coursework.

All majors require 44 hours of general education that students complete over four years, 除了他们的专业课程.

View and download the full degree plan for our 会计资讯科技 program (PDF).

A few examples of the 会计资讯科技 courses students take:

  • 会计信息系统 -检查基本会计信息系统. The course focuses on semantic modeling and systems design; the relationship of system and organization; and objectives, 政策, 程序和计划.
  • 数据库理论与应用 -接受数据库概念的介绍, 数据模型, 数据描述语言, 查询设备, 文件组织, 文件安全性和数据完整性/可靠性.
  • 网络编程 -学习在线编程概念, 包括表单处理脚本, 数据结构, basic database connectivity and the appropriate structure and style for the World Wide Web.

作为一名会计信息技术专业的学生, 你将有机会学以致用, classes and student organizations that connect you with Austin companies.


会计资讯科技 students apply what they learn during internships at “Big Four” firms such as Deloitte and KPMG, 像RSM这样的全国性公司, 以及当地的会计师事务所.

 在圣. 爱德华的, Accounting majors can complete a full-time, “busy season” internship from January to March. These students take accounting courses in a compressed semester after busy season, allowing them to be fully immersed in the professional world for this important time. 学生们最近在RSM实习, KPMG and Deloitte as part of this program and have been extended full-time offers after the internship. This option is also available to 会计资讯科技 majors who plan ahead carefully; because AIT requires 150 hours of course work the scheduling is more complicated, 但学生们可以做到这一点. Some AIT majors choose to intern over the summer to focus on completing their courses during the school year.


在会计信息系统课程, you’ll learn how accounting systems work and how data flows in and out of a system. You’ll interview people at an Austin company — past examples include a major grocery chain and a driving range — about one of its processes, 比如工资, 收藏品或存货. You’ll document the process and the company’s internal controls and offer suggestions for improvement based on what you’ve learned in the course.


会计资讯科技 majors take a research course that prepares you for the CPA exam. The exam requires you to understand and analyze an accounting database to answer questions, 而这门课程的设计就是为了帮助你发展这种技能. 你将和你的教授一起选择一个主题, 展开辩论, 研究这个主题并提出你的结论. 学生们在SOURCE展示了他们的作品, 校内本科生研究论坛, 以及荣誉论文研讨会. 最近的主题包括:

  • “Bounty Hunting on Wall Street: How to Become a Successful Activist Short Seller”
  • “检查你.S. GAAP’s [Generally Accepted Accounting Principles] updated Revenue Recognition Standard and its Impact on the Software Industry”


去了解你的同学,了解未来的职业选择 会计俱乐部. 会计俱乐部举办一些活动并邀请演讲嘉宾. 与公司见面, students hear from representatives of accounting firms about hiring expectations, 他们的工作生活到底是什么样子, 和注册会计师考试.

Sigma is a coed business fraternity that is both a professional and social club. In recent semesters members have attended a panel presentation about digital marketing and a talk about real estate investment careers; traveled to a leadership conference in Kansas City, networked at a happy hour with alumni; and made sandwiches for people living on the street.

Our Accounting faculty members bring experience in the accounting profession — as auditors, 税务从业人员, business consultants and government administrators — to their instruction and research. 他们教学生结合定性, quantitative and ethical reasoning skills that prepare them for the global economy.

Our Computer Information Technology faculty bring knowledge in database management, 软件应用程序设计和流程改进咨询. Their courses ensure students gain experience with ever-changing technologies.