
Ornate door

Become an Active Citizen of the World

The 环境科学与政策系、国际事务系和政治学系 准备你成为一个充分参与环境,社会和政治问题的公民. 

该系隶属于行为与社会科学学院. 本系的课程为学生提供从事国际事务的背景知识, public service, electoral politics, non-governmental organizations or the private sector. 

Coursework allows you to analyze policy solutions, study natural and social sciences, 体验塑造我们社会和行为的政治文化. You’ll 有机会探索美国政治制度的各个方面,并研究世界各地不同的社会和政治制度如何处理国内和国际问题.


国际学生聚集在圣乔治大街的国际旗帜前. Edward's campus

Explore Our Programs

环境科学与政策系、国际事务系和政治学系 在我们的三个学位课程中提供文学学士学位和未成年人. 您将在研究和合作中获得可转移的生活技能, critical thinking and problem-solving, and oral and written communication. 准备好沉浸在令人兴奋的课程和体验式学习中,为您在当地和全球产生影响做好准备. 

Beyond the Classroom

Study Abroad

Environmental Science and Policy, 鼓励国际事务和政治科学专业的学生到非洲学习, Asia, Europe, Latin America and the Middle East. 课程在夏季、秋季和春季学期或全年进行.

Kozmetsky Center of Excellence

The Kozmetsky Center enriches the intellectual life of St. 作为向广大公众通报重大全球问题的资源. The center facilitates discussions among experts, students, 教师和广大公众在各种论坛.

Eco-Lead Costa Rica

Eco-Lead哥斯达黎加项目旨在帮助学生深入了解全球,包括为期一周的哥斯达黎加之旅. 由行为和社会科学学院的教师以及学生生活工作人员领导, 该计划突出了国际层面的领导力问题, with a particular focus on environmentalism.

Policy and Diplomacy Conferences

学生可以通过参加模拟联合国学习外交和国际关系来获得学分, and Model Organization of American States . 选定数量的学生可以参加国家事务学生会议(SCONA)在德克萨斯大学&参加为期多日的决策模拟.

Additional Opportunities

Pi Sigma Alpha

符合条件的政治学专业学生可以加入Pi Sigma Alpha, the national Political Science Honors Society. 这是美国唯一的政府学院和大学生荣誉协会. 在全国的校园里,Pi Sigma Alpha分会的数量正在迅速接近700个. Pi Sigma Alpha也是大学荣誉社团协会的成员.


院长领导委员会由行为与社会科学学院的学生委员会组成,致力于加强学生之间的合作, school organizations and Student Life. 学生委员会代表与行为与社会科学学院院长以及咨询专家共同工作. DLC强烈强调及时和适当地解决所有BSS学生的需求和关注的重要性.

Wild Basin Wilderness Preserve

Environmental Science and Policy 学生与教职员工密切合作,在实验室和野生盆地荒野保护区获得研究技能和经验. 资助是通过虎克奖学金提供给有兴趣在野外盆地和其他财产进行实地研究的学生在阳台峡谷地保护区. 

BSS Research Award

学生也可以申请行为与社会科学研究奖,以获得资助,在学术会议上展示他们的研究. 这种研究经历对帮助毕业生在雇主那里获得职位和进入研究生院有很大的影响.  

Graduate School Placements

Institutions in which St. 爱德华的国际事务专业已经被乔治城大学的研究生或法律专业录取, George Washington University, Cornell University, the University of Chicago, the University of Texas at Austin, Columbia University, American University, and Rutgers University.

St. 爱德华的学生卡米拉·罗哈斯(左二)展示了她的研究成果


Camila Rojas 19, an Environmental Science and Policy alumna, had her research published about tourism management, protected area entry fees and governance quality. 她的研究源于她在巴拿马的留学经历. After graduating, 罗哈斯去了哥斯达黎加的一个研究站工作,该研究站与当地的非营利组织合作. Office of Sustainability Digital Media Intern Lorna Probasco 20 caught up with Rojas and shares more about Rojass research and career path. 

Our Faculty

Assc Professor of Environmental Science
Office: Equity Hall 208
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Professor of Political Science/Global Studies
Office: Main Building G11
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Assc Professor of Secondary Education
Office: Fleck Hall 217
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Professor of Global Studies
Office: Equity Hall 205
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Asst Professor Environmental Science/Policy
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Asst Prof of Global Studies/Political Science
Office: Equity Hall 207
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Professor of Global Studies
Office: Equity Hall 206
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Professor Political Science
Office: Equity Hall 209
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Professor of Political Science
Office: Equity Hall 211
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Professor of Global Studies
Office: Equity Hall 204
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Assc Professor Political Science/Director KOZC
Office: Equity Hall 202
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